Tell Me a Story : The sacrificial lover


There was a young man and a girl working together in a chemical laboratory, and they loved each other very much, so they spent a long time with each other, and one day the young man went to the jewelry store to bring his lover a wedding ring and surprise her with that, but his joy was not complete, on the same day she was testing By using a chemical substance, the substance fell from her and touched her eyes, and when she was transferred to the hospital, the doctors said that she lost her eyes and would be blind, but one of them donated his eyes to her with his desire not to mention his name, so the girl recovered and left the hospital and in the meantime the young man completely disappeared from her life, so she remained looking About him until I discovered that he was in a specific place, so I went with him, and when I approached him, he did not move a finger, and he was wearing glasses and crying in a burning sensation. Looking for him, then they got married and lived a good life

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