Story Book : the woodcutter and the young man

While woodcutter used to log and collect firewood and make piles of him before taking him to his home, if a young man ran and gasped for fatigue, then when he reached him he asked him to hide him in one of the piles of firewood so that his enemies who were in his footprint would not see him wanting to kill him.

The woodcutter said: Enter that large pile, and he entered and covered it with some firewood so that he could see nothing of it. And the lumberjack started cutting and collecting the wood .

After a little while the woodcutter saw two men rushing toward him, and when he arrived, he asked him about a young man who passed by him shortly before and described it to him. If the young man himself hiding him with him, he said to them: Yes, I saw him and hid it from you in that heap. His heart stood in fear and panic when he heard the lumberjack tell them where he was.

Then one of them said to the other: This malicious woodcutter wants us to search for him in this heap of big firewood to give him an opportunity to escape, do not believe him, it is not reasonable to hide it and then indicate it, so let's hurry to catch up with him. And they walked on their ways quickly .

When he moved away and disappeared from view, the young man came out of the pile of wood, surprisingly surprised. !
You have no mercy ... Is not ... Is not ...?

And the woodcutter said: O my son, if lying saves you, the truth is saved. By God, if you lied to them, they would search for you and find you, then they would kill you, walk on the blessing of God and you
Lying, and I know that honesty is the path of salvation.

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